Our Surrogate Concierge surrogacy process is broken down into three main steps
How the Surrogate Concierge Surrogacy process works
Surrogate Concierge has access to more U.S. surrogates than any other organization in the world, and when matching intended parents, our Parent Choice model ensures that a surrogate is available before you financially commit to a program.
We work with more than 80 trusted agencies whose gestational carriers reside in surrogate-friendly states, giving us the upper hand in matching you quickly with someone who:
Meets all American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) guidelines
Meets your clinic's requirements
Is currently available to carry your baby
Next, your Surrogate Concierge case manager will send you a detailed profile of a qualified, available, candidate. All potential surrogates will meet ASRM guidelines and are likely to be medically approved by your doctor.
Your case manager will be available to help answer any surrogacy-related questions.
Once you feel excited about a potential surrogate, your Surrogate Concierge case manager will schedule a meeting with you and your surrogate so that you can ensure she is the right match before taking next step in your surrogacy process.
Step 3
Your case manager will contact the surrogacy agency with your desired match
Step 2
You partner with your case manager to review profiles
Step 1
Your Surrogate Concierge case manager starts their search
Your Surrogate Concierge case manager will review profiles from the country’s top surrogacy agencies and, within a few weeks, will find:
Trustworthy surrogate candidates who meet all of the ASRM guidelines and the specific requirements of your fertility doctor and clinic
A surrogate who is available, and carefully selected from one of our vetted partner agencies.